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It has been such an honor welcoming the traveling Blessed Mother in our home. We have been so privileged to spend time with her for the past 4+years since COVID. Her presence at our home has fortified our family prayer time and has given us so much needed discipline and structure with our family prayers. Thank you Mama for your graces have been unmeasurable. Having the Holy Family’s presence, has also made the blessings extra special. The kids walk by and touch her and compete to light her candles each day and have learned to say the prayers better each time. Thank you Mama for always coming to our aid when we need you the most.

Laura & Terrence Bugnange

A couple's Perspective: A Transformative Pilgrimage to Medjugorje

We embarked on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje with hearts full of hope and a desire to deepen our spiritual journey—together. As a couple with children, we sought a way to grow not only individually but also as a united front in our faith. Our experience in Medjugorje was nothing short of transformative, and this sacred journey has enriched our marriage and family life. From the moment we arrived, we were enveloped in a profound sense of peace. The tranquility of Medjugorje is unparalleled and truly resonates within you. It’s a peace you take home, one that gently guides you through life’s challenges with a renewed sense of calm. Witnessing the devotion of the pilgrims and the people living in Medjugorje was incredibly inspiring. Their unwavering faith and daily commitment to living out their beliefs provided us with a profound sense of what it means to live one’s faith authentically. It was even more surreal to be there during the anniversary of the apparitions and partake in the novena requested by Our Blessed Mother. There are no words to describe the experience. We were reminded of the simple things we should do in our daily lives. For example, we were in a taxi on our way back from a site visit, and the chauffeur, in the middle of a conversation, paused at noon so we could pray the Angelus together. Do we live out our faith freely and courageously, or do we shy away? Some are blessed to live their faith without fear of judgment or persecution—a precious gift that persecuted Christians around the world unfortunately do not have. The pilgrimage brought us both individual and shared graces that have profoundly impacted our relationship. We found ourselves spiritually aligned in a way that helped bridge any gaps that might have existed between us. The grace we received as a couple was transformative, fostering a stronger bond and a deeper mutual understanding. We reminded ourselves of our role to help each other and our children make it to heaven. This shared spiritual journey is crucial for couples, especially when raising children. We returned home with a renewed commitment to develop a spiritual routine for our family, one that integrates the lessons and inspirations we gathered in Medjugorje. We also received the graces of being witnesses to the sacrament of marriage in our families and local community. Returning to everyday reality was bittersweet. While we were reluctant to leave behind the serene atmosphere of Medjugorje, we were eager to bring back the gems and spiritual practices we had acquired, which include Peace, Reconciliation, Eucharistic Adoration, and importantly, the Five Stones of Medjugorje: 1. Praying the Rosary with our heart every day 2. Fasting twice every week 3. Visiting Holy Confession every month 4. Receiving the Eucharist every Sunday 5. Reading the Bible every day As Fr Slavko Barbarić recommends, we have since worked to build our own little "altar" of Medjugorje at home, incorporating the peace and practices of Medjugorje into our routine. It’s not easy, but we are taking small, deliberate steps to maintain the serenity and spiritual growth we need with Mother Mary on our side. We wholeheartedly recommend this pilgrimage to any couple seeking to deepen their faith together, and for those with children, please take them with you! One of the highlights of our trip was being part of a diverse group including children. Each person had their own perspective and experience, yet the essence of Medjugorje was the same for all of us. On a side note, nothing is a coincidence. The group you go on pilgrimage with, are handpicked by God Himself. As the days unfold, each person has a role to play in that group, and everything just flows. We learned that a pilgrimage is not about fitting into a predefined mold or having specific expectations. Rather, it is about being open to what that place offers and understanding why we were called there. Pilgrimages are not only about what we want out of them. It is more about understanding why God called us there. Do not go with expectations. Rather, surrender your intentions and trust the process. God will take care of everything, but you have to surrender to Him. Listen for His voice. Give Him the space to speak to you through your experience. Journal daily and count your blessings. We promise, you will not come back as the same person!

Simolen Womila

I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return]. Phil 1:6 The Word of God is truth and I have seen this manifest in my life in many ways and in different seasons. My most recent encounter with the truth of God's Word was brought to full completion in my pilgrimage to Medjugorje. Growing up in a tiny village of Nkar in Kumbo division (North West region of Cameroon), I was very blessed to have parents who persevered in prayer and sought information to improve our spiritual health. My father handed me a copy of 'Echo of Medjugorje' a newsletter about our Lady’s apparitions in Medjugorje and I was immediately glued to it's pages, I knew from a young age(8 years) that our Lady Queen of Peace was calling me to make this trip. I eventually grew up, life got busy but I always had the desire to go to Medjugorje. Then when I turned 39 in August of 2022, I had a very strong desire to make this trip for my 40th birthday. I had no clue how I would start and I had not discussed this with my husband or mother or anyone else. Then the Lord stepped in and made a way! In June 2023 a couple of months before my birthday, I met Wekongho (Ma Weks as we fondly call her) a true daughter of Mother Mary. In the course of our discussion, she mentioned her previous trip to Medjugorje and her desire to help others make the pilgrimage. I was speechless. This was my answer sent from heaven and well packaged in the hands of Ma Weks. I knew this was the Lord making a way for the invitation He alone had given me to come and be with His Mother. It was a big yes from me. We set out with the planning, Ma Weks gave us all the details many months ahead of time and this made planning a breeze. My mom and one of my mothers from church joined me as well. We were excited. Ma Weks sent us packages in customized (toghu bags) bags with every detail of our stay including financial costs and places to visit. From the moment of our arrival, our guide, Julie, and the driver gave us a very warm welcome and a safe trip to our hotel. Ines and Dado our hosts, were incredible, from the scrumptious meals, to warm smiles and hugs we were at home. Making it to Mother Mary's presence in the last three days of the anniversary novena was the best highlight of my spiritual life. Tears fill my eyes as write this, because no words can express the feeling of that moment. I'm incredibly grateful to Ma Weks for ensuring we visited every spiritual enriching church, prayer ground, relicuary that was within our reach. The highlight of these was the visit to the incorruptible body of Prophet Simeon in Zadar, Croatia. I can't put in words my feelings throughout this trip. I was so strengthened in my faith and love for the Holy Trinity and our Mother Mary and I want to share this with family and friends. To answer to our Mother's request, we started a prayer group upon our return to pray for our children and families and now most of the women would love to go as well. God is great, I'm grateful that He loves me so, and called me to experience His love and presence in Medjugorje through Mother Mary's messages. I'm forever grateful because I truly believe that whatever He started, He will bring to fruition in Jesus mighty Name. Amen.

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